Choosing a domain name |
If the domain name you want isn't available as .com, try .net, .org or any of the other available top-level domains, there are many other TLDs available, like: .name. .web, .biz. If the domain name you want is available in several top-level domains (.com, .net, .org,etc.), you may want to register it in each top-level domains, especially if you plan to trademark use of the domain name. Don't worry if the domain name you choose is a little long - you'll find that most people find your web site by using Google or another search engine, so they may seldom need to enter your domain name by hand. Once you've registered a domain name, you own it (as long as you keep renewing it). If somebody else wants your domain name, you have the option of selling it to them - some domains have been sold for millions of dollars (odds are yours won't, but payments of hundreds or thousands of dollars to get an already-registered name from its current owner are common). |